Rio Medical


Low sexual sensitivity, reduced natural lubrication, and lax vaginal tissues are all normal parts of the natural aging process – but as a whole, these aren’t fun symptoms to deal with and they can significantly affect your feminine confidence. Fortunately, women can now benefit from advancements in technology with vaginal rejuvenation treatments.

It’s time to bring women’s health and wellness to a whole new level. 

Never been this excited about a new device in the treatment of women’s intimate health! Results are incredible with this new platform designed with amazing hand pieces for both aesthetic and medical conditions! Using advanced bipolar RF technology we can significantly improve the quality of life for so many women!

At Rio Medical in Hudson, MA we know that one of the best ways to restore your feminine confidence and sexual health is with EmpowerRF.

What Is EmpowerRF?

EmpowerRF is an energy-based vaginal rejuvenation treatment that can restore the tissues, muscles, and function of the vagina to a more youthful state. For women who have undergone vaginal birth or who are beginning to experience age-related changes in sexual health, vaginal rejuvenation can be a good option to enhance sexual pleasure and function, as well as restore the structure of the vagina.

This treatment works by using radiofrequency energy to enhance blood flow to the vaginal tissues, both interior and exterior. Radiofrequency utilizes low thermal radiation to stimulate the body’s natural regenerative abilities to restore collagen and elastin production within the sub-dermal layers of the skin. This treatment can address a variety of feminine sexual health-related concerns such as:

  • Internal vaginal laxity
  • Loose or sagging vulva and labia
  • Reduced natural lubrication
  • Low sexual sensitivity
  • Reduced libido
  • Stress incontinence

What Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Mean?

When we talk about vaginal rejuvenation, we are usually referring to the process of correcting age-related concerns about the tissues and muscles of the vagina. Vaginal rejuvenation typically means tightening up vaginal tissues and correcting skin laxity, which has the natural byproduct benefit of also stimulating blood flow that restores vaginal sensitivity and makes it easier to produce natural lubrication. Because this treatment also tightens vaginal muscles, it can also help treat stress incontinence.

What Should You Expect From This Treatment?

EmpowerRF treatments are simple appointments that generally take less than an hour to complete. For this treatment, most people will require between one and three appointments, spaced several weeks apart, to achieve their desired results. This treatment is about as invasive as a pap smear and is performed with a handheld device that radiates gentle heat on the interior and exterior tissues of the vagina.

Before your treatment, you will need to attend a consultation appointment so we can understand your sexual health concerns, as well as any appearance-related concerns you may have. The consultation may include a brief examination to assess the severity of your concerns. You may be asked to complete certain labs, including verifying you are not pregnant, before your treatment.

Does This Treatment Hurt?

No, this vaginal rejuvenation treatment is not painful. Many women compare this treatment to using a warm compress or a heating pad in terms of heat intensity. The intensity of this treatment can also be tailored to the sensitivity of your skin.

How Should You Prepare?

Aside from certain exams you will need to complete before your treatment, you will also need to follow a few steps to prepare for your appointment. For example, you must drink plenty of water so your skin remains moist and supple after the radiofrequency exposure.

You should wax at least one to two weeks before your appointment or shave at least three to five days before your treatment. Please arrive at your appointment with freshly cleansed skin; do not use douche or perfume.

What Should You Do After Treatment?

After your treatment, you will be able to return to your normal daily activities except for sexual intercourse, which should be avoided for at least 72 hours. For the first three days after your treatment, you will also need to avoid hot water, including saunas and hot tubs. Continue drinking plenty of water. If you are experiencing any skin dryness, using Vaseline or aloe vera on the exterior of the vagina may help.

What Are the Benefits of This Treatment?

There are several benefits of this treatment that make it an attractive prospect for women. For example, this single treatment can address both interior and exterior vaginal concerns. This treatment is also minimally invasive and does not have a long downtime. Some other benefits include:

Long-Lasting Results

A vaginal rejuvenation treatment such as this one is designed to produce long-lasting results, which means that the results of this treatment can potentially last for years. However, because the aging process will continue, it’s usually a good idea to seek maintenance treatments once every one or two years to maintain your results.

As a point of note, being pregnant or having natural childbirth will undo the results of this treatment, so plan your treatment around your family planning goals.

More Comfortable Clothing

We may not want to talk about it, but when the labia is stretched or loose, it can be difficult to comfortably fit into clothes. From swimsuits and intimate wear to jeans, using a treatment that will tighten exterior vaginal tissues will make it more comfortable to wear certain clothing articles.

Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence is a type of incontinence is generally caused by physical stress placed on the bladder, such as by weak muscles in the pelvic floor and the vagina. Many women use this specific treatment for stress incontinence since the radiofrequency will also tighten muscles over time.

Who Is This Treatment Right For?

Vaginal rejuvenation treatments such as EmpowerRF are good options for women who are experiencing changes in the structure or function of the vagina. Sometimes these changes are attributed to repeated natural childbirth or are related to the natural aging process where hormones like estrogen begin to decline, as well as structural skin proteins like collagen.

This treatment is a good option for women over the age of 30 who are experiencing increased vaginal skin laxity, looseness in the vaginal muscles, sagging labia and vulva, low sexual sensitivity, and more. Because this treatment is non-surgical and no more invasive than an average pelvic exam, most people feel like this treatment is a good match for them. Ideal candidates are not currently pregnant or planning to be.

Rejuvenate Your Feminine Confidence With EmpowerRF

Every woman deserves to feel confident about her feminine health and appearance. Vaginal rejuvenation treatments with EmpowerRF can help correct age-related vaginal laxity and dryness, which can help women reclaim their feminine confidence once more. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!
